There are several ways to make money with Falkito.
Direct Income
From the sale of offers in the Penny Auctions
Each offer costs 1,00€ of which 20 Ct. goes to the person whose link brought „Buyers“ to Falkito. (direct customers or partners)
The only qualification is that you are a partner and that you have paid the one-time fee of 29,00€.
Advertising earnings
Falkito generates advertising income which is collected in an advertising fund. To participate in these earnings, you must have a minimum of two users and have achieved the Bronze activity level at minimum. However, the two users do not need to be partners; all they have to do is use the free platform and contribute to the advertising fund. Each day, points are distributed to qualified partners which are based on Falkito’s average daily advertising sales. When sales rise, more points are distributed. These advertising earnings are meant to contribute towards payment of your monthly qualification. With this method, everyone will enjoy rising income. However, after reaching enough income to pay for the monthly qualification, the advertising income will rise very slowly. Also, if you are already generating income from other plans, the number of points distributed to you will be limited. Advertising points are intended to support new partners who have not yet seen any success.
Advertising cannot be sold by partners. It can only be booked directly on the company website.
Another way to profit is to sell offers and earn one point for each offer sold. These points are very valuable because no money is held back; they are fully paid. Each point is worth 3 Ct. daily, paid from the advertising fund. The administration determines the payment cycle – usually daily and up to three times daily. In cases where payment is made for three days, for instance, the point value is, of course, 9 Ct.Through these „ PREFERED ADVERTISE POINTS“ you can make a profit of maximally 1080%. This means that when one of your customers or partners on the first level buys 100 offers at a value of only 100€, you can make up to 1080€, which is paid over 360 days
In order to earn under the Unilevel Plan, you must have achieved the Bronze activity level at minimum. There are no payment differences under the Unilevel Plan between Gold, Silver or Bronze activity levels. Everyone is paid 8 levels deep. Under this plan, 70% of bid packets and 25 points are paid and in addition, 50% of all products sold in the Penny Auctions flow into this plan. The buyer’s upline is taken into consideration.
Therefore, should an Ipad for 500€ change owners, 250€ flow into the 8 levels above the buyer. Of those 250€ the following flows into the Uniplan:

in LEVEL 1 --- 10% (17.50€)
in LEVEL 2 --- 10%
in LEVEL 3 --- 10%
in LEVEL 4 --- 20% (35.00€)
in LEVEL 5 --- 20%
in LEVEL 6 --- 10%
in LEVEL 7 --- 10%
in LEVEL 8 --- 10%
Matching Bonus
The remaining 75€ are needed for the Matching Bonus.Each qualified partner receives 10% of ALL UNIPLAN payments in his first 4 levels.
Should someone, that you have brought into the business directly, earn 35.00€ – see level 4 above – you will receive 10%, i.e., 3.50€. The same goes for all partners who have directly recruited their partners, and two levels deeper.
Pay close attention to this bonus; it can develop quickly into a great passive income! There are no income limits in the Uniplan and the Matching Bonus; you determine your income.
The Binary Plan
This plan is intended to gerate income quickly and payments are based on packets which partners buy and use themselves. These packets are offered at special prices and are intended for one-time (or limited) use by partners. Minimum qualification is Bronze activity level and 2 active partners (left and right). 70% of the packets with 1000 and 100 offers is put into the binary fund. Those collected funds are the only basis for earnings in the Binary Plan.
The sales achieved by both partners (left and right) are calculated daily at 6:00 p.m. and payments are as follows:
For the weaker side
20% at Bronze level, but limited to 75€ per day
25% at Silver level, but limited to 150€ per day
30% at Gold level, but limited to 600€ per day
Those who reach Gold level within the first 10 days will always receive 35% (as long as they remain qualified).
Should the Binary Fund ever be insufficient, all payment percentages will be lowered accordingly. Every effort should be made to make this case the exception because it may require steps to make changes to the Binary Plan.
The Matrix Plan
All partners who have made their one-time payment are placed into the Matrix – from left to right, from top to bottom – one after the other. Payments are made the following year based on a portion of the new activities.
Payment of a fee of 29.00 Euro is necessary in order to become a parter. This amount does not count towards sales.
To achieve Bronze Level you need 100 SP and 50 QP
To achieve Silver Level you need 300 SP and 75 QP
To achieve Gold Level you need 1000 SP and 110 QP
The QP (Qualification Points) are always based on activity over the last 30 days.
The SP (Status Points) need to be reached only once.
For instance, if you have achieved 3000 Status Points, but only 60 Qualification points, you will be paid as a Bronze Partner.
You earn QP through the sale, i.e., purchase of bids on your first level.
A partner earns the following points through active sales:
0.5 SP and 0.5 QP
for each sold offer (sales on the first level)
Of course, you can also earn points for the purchase of offers for your own use. These are offered in packets at special prices and are limited in number.
The 1000 SP packet with 1000 offers at the special price of only 570.00 Euro is limited to 1 per partner.
The 100 SP packet with 100 at the special price of only 70.00 Euro, is limited to 3 per partner.
The 25 QP packet with 25 at the special price of only 19.00 Euro is limited to 5 per partner per month.
For instance, if you have achieved 3000 SP (Status Points) but only 60 QP (Qualification Points), you will be paid on the Bronze Partner level.