Thursday, March 28, 2013

More and more News... The FALKITO-BMW-CLUB

What we like to achieve with the "Falkito BMW Club" is, that even the so called "little-hard working- people" have the chance to advance and prosper

Whoever drives a BMW with the "Falkito Logo" will be addressed over and over again and does not have to put a lot of effort in making new contacts.
The idea behind all this is that only partners from (and up to)a certain turnover will be favored to drive
a "Falkito leased BMW".
With this system we dramatically can increase the number of people who can drive a Falkito-BMW.

Let us pursue this goal together - and write Network history.

For more details, check out Facebook

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Short Update: GO! GO! GO!

The bugs are getting smaller and the list is becoming shorter. Finally we are near the start
today debugging.
Tomorrow upload to the server.
Thursday checking with a small group of partners the functions.
Announcement of official and 100% sure start date in the next days.

Monday, March 25, 2013

The last days without Falkito are counted

It is Monday at noon in New Zealand. The last days without Falkito are counted.
Some 50.000 people in over 40 countries are looking forward to a great start which
will re-define the MLM/Network marketing.

We are extremely happy that we finally reached our goal, we certainly believe it was worth the effort!
The next years belong to the active construction and the further development of Falkito.
Falkito is the New worldwide standard for all who want to earn money online!

We wish all of you who are with us a lot of success!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Duplication Is The Key to success!

Duplication is the key to achieve success in network marketing (MLM). If you want to build a big, successful network marketing business, you need to apply duplication in your team. In network marketing, duplication means copying proven recruitment system. Duplication is actually one of the factors that make many people interested with network marketing.

Although it sounds easy, duplication is quite difficult to be implemented. You must have personal success in order to successfully apply duplication to your downlines. One important fact that you need to know is that duplication can give both positive and negative impacts. For an example, if you keep contacting your leads and always follow-up with them, your downlines will follow your steps. If you use webinars, conference calls, videos, DVDs, or other tools to help you with your presentations, your downlines will use these presentation tools too. The point is that your downlines will do what you do.

In network marketing, the success of your downlines means greater success for you. If you want your downlines to achieve success, you have to create a system that is easy to duplicate by your downlines. If you gain huge success with your business system, chances are your downlines can also achieve huge success if they use your system. That’s the reason why you need to keep your business system as simple as possible.

However, teaching an easy to duplicate business system to your downlines is just one of the ways to enhance your success. You also need to ensure that your downlines also implement easy to duplicate business systems so new downlines can adopt the system. In this way, the system can keep the success growing.

Lastly, you need to stay focus and do all the necessary works to create a highly duplicable system. If you can create a duplicable system and your downlines can fully follow your system, there is nothing can stop you from achieving success in network marketing.

Our team at facebook:

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Short update

1. We will start with walletfunding with PAYZA COSMICPAY PERFEKTMONEY and bank, later we add solid trust pay.

2. beginning of next week we will do a big test of the software and remove the last bugs

3. Access to the new Backoffice will be online together with the new page.

4. We are nearly ready and we first will upload the full site and we planed a test with all who want to test for 2 days.

Our team at facebook:

Saturday, March 16, 2013

We guarantee you that your patience will pay off !!

Still, thousands of people wait for the start of Falkito just like me.

We’re ready to start and are now waiting for the programmer to finish the last touch
We have 2 IT-Teams and they really are both in the final testing phase to correct the last minor problems. It is the natural process of every project

We are aiming high and want to write history

Falkito and its brilliant concept must succeed where others have failed. In practice it means everyone should be able running their business and succeed with the least possible effort.

For Falkito it is the highest priority that everyone succeeds right from the beginning.

*) Register – Upgrade – Get referrals – AND YOU ARE LOOKING AT YOUR PASSIVE INCOME!!
All that can be accomplished within a single day!!

Where else is that possible except for Falkito?

Falkito program is simple because it’s easy and most importantly because it works for everyone, just within a few days.

We are giving away 50% of all budget EXTRAS to promote beginners.

We will use a portion of the advertising pot for each active partner that still does not make money, leave a piece of it to buy time for those who do not have their own budget.

A scoring system to pay fees that are generated from outside by advertising.

So, the WAIT is worthwhile for anyone looking for a business that really keeps its promises.

For most people, network marketing is the only way to earn more money
In many countries you can not even live with minimum wage and make ends meet.

We guarantee you that your patience will pay off !!

Our team at facebook:

Falkito is the ramp

For the most people Network Marketing is the only way to make more money than John Average. Yes, MLM is even the only way to become a millionaire except a lottery f.e.
In most countries can can not even have a normal life with ordinary money.
If now everybody with easiest tools can build an organisation in Falkito, then we can say : Falkito is the ramp in a better wealthier world. 

Welcome to everybody!

Our team at facebook:

Falkito official compensationplan

Our team at facebook:

Friday, March 15, 2013

It's Friday

Do you go to work each day lacking enthusiasm, or do you approach things with a positive attitude and view them as challenges? In my opinion this distinction can really make a difference. You’ll waste more energy complaining about something than if you were to just go ahead and get it done. You’ll also make better use of your time, just by going for it. I mean think about it....are there days when you sit at work or somewhere else just looking at the clock, the minutes creeping by? This could be because you're avoiding your work and don’t really want to put in the effort, or you just don't want to be there. And on the other hand....when you bury your head in your work, accomplishing a lot, it always seems like time just flew by. So have the right attitude and do what the Seven Dwarfs did....even Grumpy....Whistle while you work!

Make it an Awesome Day!

Our team at facebook:

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Sandor Pitzl

We like to welcome one of the great leaders in our Industry, Sandor Pitzl from Hungaria... in his former Company, a Product MLM Company he build over 10000 Partner in just 4 Years. We are happy to have you with us...

It's Wednesday

What if you worked just a little bit harder? What if you surrounded yourself with the right people, people who believe in you and with the same vision and goals as you? In my opinion sometimes you have to push yourself in order to grow as a get what you deserve in life! It's there for everyone, even in hard times. So when hard times do come, hope that others will help, but rely on yourself to make it through.

Make it an Awesome Day!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Motivation can be difficult to grab a hold of. We hear about it, talk about it, and maybe even try to share it on to others, but can we use it to help ourselves? In my opinion we must not let motivation elude us! How often do we start towards our goals, barreling down the path, only to run out of gas and quit halfway? Instead, we find replacement activities, ignoring what is really important. If this has happened to you, it must end today. Yes, it will take work. Sure, it will take time. You can reach your goals with effort that only you can produce. Go after what you want out of life; cause nobody will do it for you!

Make it an Awesome Day!

Our team at facebook:

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Are you scared of change?

Are you scared of change? Most people have a hard time accepting that things must change in order to grow. It's a natural process in the world. And in my opinion....making mistakes and then learning from them is the key! It will be a hard process to master and an even tougher one to change, but you must try! Try to learn something from every mistake. Try to make changes for the better in your life. For example...if the people you work with are dragging you down, go out and find new people to work with...period! Recreate yourself everyday and keep moving forward towards your goals.

Make it an Awesome Day!

Falkito start

Dear Partners,

We are  in Progress of starting and it looks good. We still need some things to manage properly, so we are working on it.

If you send us money by bank wire, and if the money is not booked yet, then it might be came in a different name or so.

Please send us the sender name + amount + ID# to, that we can book it to your wallet.

Please fill out our questionnaire, just click on and also tell your downline to do so.

What is going on now ? The question everybody is aksing us and we have such a boring anwer and have to say, we are working on it but we only have little things to solve and to manage, it is now only a diligent work left with little steps.

What we know already is, that Falkito is the best online business in the world and we are proud that we are finally can start it and nothing will be in the way now !

A lot of new leaders from all over the world are coming now to Falkito and thousands of new FALKITO people are waiting out there.

We were facing some difficulties that causes a delay, but we are now on a better way and we are now tankful for the delay that made Falkito more valuable than it was never before.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Falkito database has been successfully transferred.

Hello partners,

We like to inform you that the Falkito database has been successfully transferred to Database 1.0
As soon as everything is completed and confirmed you will receive an email with the Falkito link in order to check your accounts. (referral link - business site)
Just make sure that everything appears correctly in your back office.

If  there is anything missing in your back office please contact

The problem will be sorted out immediately.

Thank you,  your Falkito Team

Friday, March 8, 2013

Great NEWS!!!!!

Hello Falkito Partners 

Great NEWS!!!!!

Finally we are in the last Phase to Launch our Falkito Business with a fully working support System.
We have nearly all work done to bring our system online. The final Data upload will take max 48 hours. We have integrated new features and you will be excited.
The Support team will send you 2 hours before we shut down the domain an Email with your new Referal Link that you can start immediately.  We looking forward to work with you in this phantastic opportunity. This is for you as Pre Information.

Your Falkito Support Team

Sunday, March 3, 2013

FALKITO - Official Launch Still in February?

When will it be ready? When will FALKITO be launched? These questions are being asked by some partners of the online auction platform, which promises great earning opportunities for everyone and an innovative, uncomplicated MLM system.  

Thorsten Albers (founder and CEO of FALKITO) could not say exactly when the launch will happen, but he expects that FALKITO could still officially be launched this month. Currently, the development and programming team is working at full speed and the completion of the platform is within reach, Thorsten Albers told us. In addition to the unplanned pre-launch phase, a simple yet comprehensible argument could be the reason for the delays. The construction of a platform, as FALKITO wants to operate it, requires an immense amount of planning and work. Ultimately, things should start with a fully functional online presence and not with a poorly-conceived beta version. Unfortunately, it was discovered during preparation that the previous concept had to be reworked. In this case, however, it was smarter and more efficient to rebuild the concept from the ground up instead of revamping it here and there. For three months now, two programming teams have been developing and programming at full speed - and "both teams are go," says Albers.

Additional updates were related in part to the range of products that the FALKITO auction platform will make available at the outset. "In the beginning, in the first few weeks, it will be limited to Apple products and other electronic items, but later the platform will be open for nearly any category, because partners can also place items on the platform themselves," explains Albers. Thorsten Albers also described another aspect of the FALKITO builder system (FBS): "We pay 15 cents every time an Internet user views a three-minute long video to the end. If the viewer is interested, he will be redirected to the user's landing page. All of the information is then available on the landing page in all languages, making this an ideal partner machine." Together with the "social entry" concept, an ad-funded entry, FBS makes it possible for new partners to be active and therefore successful. "And when this activity can occur without any help from the partners, everyone can be successful. So there is no reason for failure any more," explains Thorsten Albers. The "social entry" should be available shortly after the official launch.

The success of partners is ultimately the guarantor for the company's success. The company's success should also be ensured by making it as easy as possible for new partners to make money with FALKITO. After the latest changes, it is now possible to qualify to be a bronze partner with the purchase of a special package for 70 euros for 14 days. Afterward, 50 points are required per month, either through your own sales or in the first line. It should no longer be possible to "buy" the status of silver and gold partner, but rather earn it by partners achieving a monthly volume of 300 points (and 600 points in the organization) or 1,000 points (and 2,000 points in the organization). A maximum daily income of 600 euros should therefore be possible through the combination of a binary and unilevel marketing plan. For a payment of 99 euros, you can qualify for disbursements starting the first day. Every single person must then work for the status of silver or gold partner.

The online advertising will be a source of funding for FALKITO. "We expect around 1.5 million euros in advertising money that may be available at the start," said Thorsten Albers. "Incidentally, something is also happening behind the scenes, which is that we will be opening a casino that will then buy up the advertising on FALKITO. 100% of the profits of this casino will then be invested directly into the advertising on FALKITO."

Thorsten Albers' message hints that the launch is approaching as the bank accounts are now being officially opened. "We are now going to open our bank accounts for all payments. The APi for this is installed and almost all of the countries are now programmed. All VFP partners can now begin to load the wallets in order to verify the VFP status," said Thorsten Albers.

The big question as to when exactly FALKITO is officially launching has not yet been answered, but the latest updates suggest that it could be soon. "No one has reason to be impatient. I promise all of the partners the best business ever and a business that you can wholeheartedly recommend without subsequent remorse. My passion lies in this project and I not only believe, but also know that FALKITO will work," concluded Thorsten Albers.

According to Thorsten Albers, FALKITO could therefore still officially be launched in February 2013. We at OBTAINER will of course keep you up to date.